NASA F-15B #836 in flight with Quiet Spike attached.
The project seeks to verify the structural integrity of the multi-segmented, articulating spike attachment designed to reduce and control a sonic boom.
Image courtesy of NASA.
The library has a digital collection of over 1400 papers and reports on the history and development of parachutes. This collection comes from the Aerodynamic Deceleration Systems Technical Committee of the AIAA.
Search the library's catalog for "parachute history collection" to retrieve the papers in this collection.
The Linda Hall Library houses an extensive collection of papers published by AIAA. You can use the following databases to identify AIAA papers and other publications in fields related to aerospace, aeronautics and astronautics. Reference staff can assist you with searching the databases or determining if the library owns a particular paper. You can also place an order for a copy of a paper through our Document Delivery Services Department.
A Reference Specialist is available during library hours, Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST.
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View a list of AIAA conferences and meetings at their website:
View a list of AIAA journals at their website:
View a list of books published by AIAA at their website: